It is very ironic when I hear some non virgins say virgins are unintelligent and immature.
They claim non virgins, are ‘automatically’ intelligent and mature, so why would you utter such absurdness?
Intelligent and mature people do not go around spewing nonsense.
So does their theory prove right?
People who say so are among the worst ignoramuses on earth.
The width of a girl’s vagina does not determine her intelligence or maturity neither does man having sex make him mature or intelligent.
Intelligence is largely inherited and learned.
Maturity is based on life experiences, being discerning and responsible.
Most of my friends are virgins; they are among the most intelligent people in the world.
Some graduated with first class honours from top universities and work with top institutions.
I know some very immature and unintelligent non virgins, so I wonder what happened to them?
Did they not have sex enough?
Is their vagina still tight?
Do they need more sex partners?
Do they have tinny penises?
Here are some myths I have heard about virgins;
1. Virgins are waiting for their perfect partners (Mr or Mrs Right)
No virgin I know is waiting for any perfect partner. We are all imperfect trying to live a good life. We are not perfect ourselves to be waiting for some perfect partner.
I do not dream of any Mr. Right, he does not exist. I am not Mrs. Right so why would I be waiting for some fantasy to arrive.
2. Virgins are Unintelligent and Immature
Maturity is about life experiences and discerning things. Being able to know the difference between right and wrong, behaving appropriately and being responsible.
Intelligence is largely inherited and learned. Our environment play a critical role in enhancing our intelligence.
Virgins are not dumb, making a decision to stay celibate does not make you dumb. It makes you strong and in control of yourself especially your sexuality.
3. Virgins are good
There are a lot of bad virgins, they live terrible lives styles. Sex should not be the moral compass to determine good or bad. Staying celibate does not make you good.
Maturity should be the moral compass.
4. Virgins perform badly at sex
This is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard.
How do you expect a virgin to automatically be good at sex or perform different sex positions on their first time or early stages of being sexually active?
No one was born sexually perfect, everybody learns.
So shut up and teach them!
You were taught to be good at sex, you practised it several times to able to perform well in sex. So give virgins the same chance to get enough practice to be good too.
5. Virgins are boring
If you are still reading this then I am not boring.
Most of the fun loving people I know are virgins. You do not need sex to be interesting. People have different personalities and that determines how much fun they can be. Our sex lives does not determine how people have fun.
I have heard a lot things in my live because I have decided to be celibate.
I have friends who have told me that my ‘eyes and mind are not opened’ because my vagina is not opened.
The worst part is when people who have the least success in life tell me this. I wonder where all their ‘opened eyes and minds’ went to. They make terrible decisions and are gullible to bad influence.
If you are a virgin or trying to stay celibate please do not listen to the negative things people say about your decision.
If your decision is based on your religion, stick to it. Religion or Salvation is a personal thing. Work out your own salvation. Do not be pressured to give in to sex to please someone. Please yourself and your God. You face your own judgement after death.
If your decision is based on other things like waiting for the appropriate time, keep abstaining till whenever you feel ready to do it.
Asexuals, explain to people that you are different and feel no attractions or horny. Whether they accept it or not is their problem. Live your life to please yourself and stick to your standards.
People should live by their own standards.
Do not expect someone to lower their standards for you just because you want to have sex with them.
We are different and are socialised differently.
We belong to different cultures and ethnicities; do not impose your living standards on others.
Come on non virgins, did you need a virgin *who is unintelligent and immature* to educate you about this?
I thought you guys are ‘automatically intelligent and matured.’
Ironic huh?!
I agree. Having sex doesn’t make someone more intelligent or a better person in any way. “I know some very immature and unintelligent non virgins, so I wonder what happened to them?” — this, exactly.
Just thought I should point out, the size or looseness of a vagina is not determined by sexual experience. That’s another sex myth.
It’s also inaccurate to say that asexuals feel no attractions or never feel horny. Asexuals don’t experience sexual attraction. Some of them experience other kinds of attraction (romantic, sensual, etc.), and some of them do have sex drives.
Although I know it was offered with good intentions, I take issue with the advice that asexuals should just come out to everyone. Coming out is a personal decision that’s dependent upon the circumstances, and believe it or not, there have actually been some pretty severe responses to coming out as asexual.
You are right.
I am asexual but I was trying to find a way to explain to those who do understand people like us. I will rephrase that paragraph.
I was just trying to be humorous with the “I know some very immature and unintelligent non virgins, so I wonder what happened to them?”
I have met people who think having a wide vagina means being more intelligent.
Thanks! You should give me more reviews like this.
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Shaking my head at these myths. Your sexual status does not define you as a person.
Very true!