I harldy forgive people and give them a second chance back into my life. If you betray me, I will just end my relationship with you. There are some few people that I have given second chances because I thought they had changed but they even hurt me worse than they did before.
So I was very sceptical when I decided to let someone who hurt me back in to my life. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was expecting him to repeat his mistake because I did not think he had changed.
He has become of my closest friends and I hope we are friends for a long time. He is among the few people I call on when I am in trouble and I trust him a lot. He is very honest with me and tries hard to be a good friend to me. I look up to him a lot and he inspires me to work very hard. I worry him all the time and he just looks at me with his adorable eyes without complaining. I am a very troublesome person but he has accepted me for who I am. That is one of the best things anyone can do for me; accept me for who I am. He has no idea how much I apppreciate his friendship because somethings cannot be measured. I tell him all the time that I appreciate him.
People make mistakes and sometimes they change for the better. I have also made mistakes and changed for the better. There are certain people that I wish can change so that we can go back to being friends again but unfortunately they will not accept their mistakes nor apologise.
This has made me realise that sometimes second chances do work. Some people do change. It might take a short or long time, but a change definitely comes. So give that person or people you think have changed the second chance that he/she or they deserve.