The quickest way to destroy relations is by comparing them.
Everyone plays a different role in our lives.
Some will be more loyal, faithful, trustworthy, fun and supportive than others.
The fact that some friends or family members are less supportive does not mean that they love you less than those that support you more.
They might have issues with being supportive and you have to talk to them about their shortcomings in your life, but if they continue to be unsupportive then you can be sure that they do not care about you.
When we start comparing the people in our lives, we start to favour those we love more and maltreat those we love less.
Only compare people when you want to evaluate their presence in your life to determine whether they are playing their roles effectively.
Do not compare to ridicule, spite or manipulate those you think are not playing their roles well.
If you compare me to others so that I can learn and improve our relations or myself, I would appreciate it and do better but if you compare me to others to insult me or manipulate me to do something for you, I will end my relations with you.
It means you do not value me and all the efforts I have put into our relationship.
I feel like I am just a substitute in your life, when those who make you more happier are not around, you just come to me.
Then I become the solution your boredom.
Be with me because you want to and not because you feel pity for me or I have no friends or you are bored.
I am not perfect and I am not someone else.
My personality is different from others so do not expect the same result from me like you do from others.
It is not fair to compare the introverts and extroverts people in our lives.
Extroverts will always be more fun and outgoing compared to the quiet and calm introverts.
I cannot accuse introverts of been boring when naturally they are quiet people and less outgoing.
I can only compare the roles they play in my life; supportive, loyal, faithful and trustworthy.
Having more fun with some people does not mean that they will be there for you when you need them.
Some of the most boring people in my life are those that are always there for me regardless and most of the interesting ones that I go out with to have fun are not there when I need help.
My close friend ended her relationship with her fiancé because he compared her to another woman.
He wanted my friend to be a party girl just like this woman he compared her to.
I supported her to end her relationship with her fiancé because he wanted her to be something that she is not.
We have to accept people for who they are and not compare them to others.
The worst part is when they tell you in the face that another person is better than you because they are more outgoing or smarter.
We should prioritise the people in lives based on how committed they are to us and reciprocate.
Instead of comparing people in our lives, we should rather work on the weak relations to improve them and only end them when things are getting worse.
You will lose good people if you compare them to others, especially if you compare them based on appearance or on how outgoing they are.
The best relationships are those that improve our lives and not those that give us more pleasure or fame.