Some people do not know the definition of friendship.
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people not a parasitic relationship.
It not a title you get but a title you earn.
Work for it.
Sometimes it is not pleasant, there are painful and sweet moments.
If you cannot love another person as much as you love yourself then do not make friends.
Do not be scared to walk away if you are not happy in your current friendship.
It is sad to leave all those beautiful memories but the sad memories are getting worse and affecting your life in a badly.
Be such a good friend that people would be scared to lose you. Know your place in their lives and act as such.
Do not be pressured to stay in a friendship you want to end.
There are some bad friends. Friends who only remember you when they are in need. The moment you want help, they are either too busy or cannot be found.
No matter how close you are, when they mess up and refuse to change, leave.
People do deserve second chances in some situations. Give them the chances to change but if they will not, end the friendships.
I have stayed with some friends who refused to change for the better because I thought friendships were supposed to last forever.
When something is not working after you have tried to make it work, just end it.
You will always meet a better friend. Someone who will not leave you when you need them.
You are more than enough to be your own bestfriend.