Recently Sex & The Cincy
nominated me for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers award.
Thank you so much for the nomination!
Here are my answers to the questions Sex & The Cincy asked.
Your favourite colour? Red
Your favourite animal? Dogs
Favourite non alcohol drink? Sangria
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
Your favourite pattern? Kente Patterns
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving
Your favourite number? 3
Your favourite day of the week? Sunday
Your favourite flower? Lavender
What is your passion? To be a blessing to people
Here are my nominees
A Cornucopia of good ideas and stories
All nominees should answer the sames questions that I did and nominate other empowering female bloggers.
God bless!
Thank you for the nomination <3
Thank you so much! 🙂
Thank yoouuu!