When I got older and a little wiser, I noticed that the only reason I have been able to achieve anything was because I had help from multiple people who I call my Okpornorvi. Okpornorvi is an Ewe expression which means someone who nurtures others; either family, friends or strangers.
Ideally we should all be an Okpornorvi but humanity is so flawed that the selfishness in us will not allow that to happen. The desire to own it all, be the best and damn the consequences is why our world is currently wallowing in suffering.
I am in my 9th year working in the art business and it is one of the best examples of how being an Okpornorvi fosters growth and success. I started thriving when a few people I knew recommended my gallery to people they know, who after a good experience also recommended to others. These recommendations brought in a lot of revenue which expanded my gallery quickly and enabled me to start my private art funding project in 2021 which has supported 11 artists so far. Some of these artworks are in a few importance art collections after being collected by some influential art collectors who afterwards recommended both my gallery and the artists to others. These artists told me how the art funding support helped them to create beautiful and impactful artworks that would not have been possible, a few said they would have retired from painting without such support. Now imagine my gallery was never recommended, this funding would not have happened and 11 artists would not have been able to create those specific artworks.
The implications of success being shared has a huge positive impact on the general health of a community and the opposite happens when it is not. As a beneficiary of multiple Okpornorvi(s), I know the importance of having a support system and I try my best to be the same for others.
As 2025 approaches, I hope you become and or meet an Okpornorvi.
Happy New Year!