I have recently been nominated by a fellow blogger, Sex & The Cincy for the Liebster new blogger award!
Thanks for the nomination, I am really honoured.
I want to thank all my followers and everyone who reads or has read of my posts.
Answers to my Ten Questions from Sex & The Cincy
1. What is your most memorable or favourite blog piece you have written? Why?
This is because of the overwhelming negativity I experience as an African and the ignorance a lot of people have concerning Africa.
2. Who inspires you?
My mum.
She is an author and has been mentoring me about my writing.
3. What is your favorite quote
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” – Jesus Christ
4. How would you describe yourself in five words?
Lazy, Crazy, Fun, Blunt, Honest
5. If you could meet any blogger, who would it be?
She seems like an amazing person online so I’m curious about meeting her in real life.
6. If your blog was a food or dessert, what would it be?
Chocolate Cake
I love food and chocolate is just yummy!
7. What is your favourite love/romantic movie?
Brilliant movie about love and death.
8. What is your best and worst quality?
My best Quality is that I am very caring
My worst quality is being too quick tempered
9. Where is your favourite place to write?
In my room
10. What is your dream job?
To be a forensic Scientist
Here are my Nominees
1. Piusharvey He is a brilliant writer. His love for words is seen in his writings and he expresses them very well too.
2. Nanadkl He is a talented writer who uses experiences and a lot of research in his writings. His writings are very funny and encouraging.
3. Phoebe’s World She is a talented young lady who has a lot of to offer to the world through her writings. She loves to encourage and empower women and girls to be better.
4. Ray’s Reveries A brilliant writer who conveys her emotions very well in her writings.
5. Kofilarbi Amazing writer whose writings are usually based on experiences. I love his writings about Northern Ghana.
6. Malota4eva I enjoyed his series on the, ” March Girlfriend Search Chronicles”
7. Doŋusẽm He loves to speak his mind through his writings and uses a lot of biblical stories and verses to convey his messages. He gives good reviews on entertainment.
8. Songsofintimacy She has a lot of advice to give. I absolutely love her blog! She advocates for abstinence and that is what I also believe in. A good Christian person to look up to. Read her,
9. Wonder Train I love her writing, very witty and insightful.
10. A Talkative Being Himself A good writer who shares his experiences and insights on life.
Ten Questions For My Nominee
1. What inspires you to write?
2. Summarise yourself in a sentence.
3. What legacy do you want to leave behind?
4. Your favourite place to write?
5. What do you want your blog to be remembered for?
6. What is your best and worst quality?
7. What is the most memorable day in your life and why?
8. What are you most passionate about?
9. What do you cherish the most?
10. Your advice to other?
So my fellow bloggers spread the love!
Once again much thanks to Sex & The Cincy.
Now, in order to formally accept this award you must:
- Link back the person who nominated you (me!)
- Answer the 10 questions which were given to you by the nominator (above)
- Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers
- Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer
- Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them
Make sure you read what I wrote about your blog and follow the instructions to formally accept it!
1) I really did love your most memorable blog piece. it moved me!
2) I would love to meet you sometime in the future.
3) Interesting choice of dessert to describe your blog
Keep up the amazing writing. I look forward to reading your pieces every time.
When I am in the USA I will let you know.
We are meeting at a dessert shop!
I could always come to you! I could use a trip! And yes a dessert shop would be fantastic. Chocolate cake?
That would be lovely. Ghana is amazing! I will take good care of you. Currently I school in Adelaide in South Australia but after school we will make plans.
We have the best cocoa in the world so yes, chocolate cake!
THANK you for thinking of me! 🙂
I will post this up on my blog soon…..
You deserve it!