Personal experience is very important and most often the best way to get to know someone without the influence of others. There are so much rumours going on and if you are not discerning you will believe them and judge people based on what others say.
I have made some really good friends with people I heard very bad rumours about but decided to befriend them and experience all the bad things people said but those rumours turned out to be false. When I realised those rumours were false, I told them what I heard and we just laughed about it. I would have missed out on some of the best friendships I have because of bad rumours. I have met people who also heard very bad rumours about me but after some personal experience with me, they realised they were false and we are good friends now.
There are those exaggerated rumours where people say you are genius but in reality you are not. Sometimes I hear rumours that I can draw very well but in reality I can draw but not very well. I hate rumours like these because people will expect you to exceed beyond your limit because they heard you can do something very well.
Some of my friends have been through this and we have come to realise that, it is important to get to know people before we judge them. Sometimes these people can fake their personalities and you will never know but most of them are genuine when you befriend them.
Rumours can make and unmake a person, depending on how strong you are. The lies people say about you can make you develop a low esteem. You need people around you who will debunk the false rumours.
Personal experience is the truth and priceless, because you live through it and know what it is like.
Truth. Good post.