Sometimes I imagine living the lives of others and wondering if I would have made the same decisions they made
*I do not support abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger*
What if I had religious parents, too poor to cater for child or got raped, would I abort my unplanned pregnancy?
If I needed money for education, health, or I had to have sex with people to get a job, would I do it?
If the man I loved asked for sex for him to stay, would I do it?
Even if it goes against my morals or religion or God or principles
What if I fell in love with a married man, would I have an affair with him?
Am I ready to steal if I needed easy money?
Especially if it would save a life, pay for my education or health
The only way I can make it into the university, get out of jail or an organisation was to bribe my way through, would I do it?
Honestly, I would probably do worse
It is easier to judge when we are not going through the same situation as others
I might even go an extra mile and make the worst decisions to save myself or get the advantage over a situation
Whatever it is others are going through, we should just not judge
We should help if possible
Some are aware of their stupidity
Others have no choice
There are those who have choices but prefer the easy way out
So be grateful if you have an easy life and do not have to face the harsh realities of others
You do not know when your harsh reality will occur
You would probably do worse than those you judged
It’s not all black and white. There are shades of gray.
I try not to judge people’s decisions even when I don’t agree or understand
Exactly. They might also not understand some of the decisions we make too.
Very true my friend. While I am mostly a black and white person issues like that I know have so many circumstance. One can judge all they want but one cannot pass judgement.
When I read the ”black and white person”, I was wondering if you were mixed race…hahaha!
Oh no…lol.