Why can’t we all just get along?
Let us pretend to love each other and live in peace
Life is simple but humans make it too complicated
We are all different
Yet we want everyone to behave the same
There are too many man-made regulations about life
There are too many books on life
There are too many religions claiming to be the perfect one
There are too many Gods to serve
There are too many religious books claiming to direct the paths of mankind
We should celebrate our individualities
We should embrace our imperfections
We should accept our uniqueness
We should change what is necessary and leave those we cannot
I am a curvy black woman
I have an afro hair and dark skin
I do not have to bleach my skin, get skinny and perm my hair to fit society’s ideal beauty
Do not change who are for anyone but yourself
When you are changing yourself for yourself, make sure you are doing the right thing for yourself
Do not be pressured to be different
We are born into different families, race, homes and countries
As a fetus, I had no choice about where I wanted to be
So wherever you find yourself, BE YOU!
Accept me for me
I will accept you for you
No judging
No pressure
No strict regulations about life
How you choose to live your life, should not be forced on me
Let me live my life the way I want to as long as I am not offending anyone
Life is beautiful and short
Enjoy every moment of it
Find ways to improve who you are and to not destroy yourself
Love yourself
Others will too!