I have been to a few funerals but there is one thing I saw at every funeral I was at, pretentious people.
It is sickening to see people who hated the deceased mourning as if their own relative or best friend was dead.
I do not want such people at my funeral. So I have decided to make a list of people I want at my funeral. If your name is not on my list, I want my family or whoever is organising my funeral to not let you in at my funeral. Your condolences or whatever help you bring should not be accepted.
Rev. Father Campbell, head of Ghana’s Leprosarium said there was a leper who was cured but his family rejected him and never visited nor cared for him. So the Leprosarium took care of him till died. His family upon hearing about his death, brought expensive suits and other things for his burial but he rejected them and the Leprosarium paid for his burial. When he was alive, they rejected him but when he died, they decided to pay for his burial. That money could have been used to take care of him instead of spending it on his burial.
I will never know all the people who truly love and hate me but I know most of them.
Those who celebrated my life with me should be those who mourn me when I am dead.
I do not want pretentious people at my funeral especially those who made it known to me that they hated me.
There are several reasons people go to funeral other than to mourn;
some people only go to eat and drink, some go to see how the funeral was performed so they can mock and others go to socialise.
Some people do not even know or even heard about the deceased yet still they would go anyway.
Funerals should be attended by people who are truly mourning the deceased and not by enemies who are there to have the time of their lives.
There are those people who will send fake sympathy messages and write on social media about how much they love and care about the deceased.
It is unbearable to see a lovely message written about a deceased by someone everyone knows hated the deceased.
Death is not fun so people should just stop enjoying it.
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