When I consciously stopped doing all the unconscious things for you
I knew I finally found closure and moved on
I can walk by the bakery and forget to get your favourite chocolate croissant
See your facebook statuses and not bother to read
See our mutual friends and have fun with them without ever thinking about you
See you at the altar with another woman and genuinely wish you all the best
I stopped wearing your shirt to sleep every night
Stopped listening to your favourite songs
I ignore every rumour that I hear about you
Hardly look at our pictures together
Eat at our favourite restaurant and not miss you
You have become just a friend
I still care about you
But you are no longer my priority
I see you and feel no attraction
I stopped believing in soul mates after we broke up
I realised that successful relationships are built on hard work and compatibility
Not on some fantasy of finding Mr. Right or my better half
Because relationships built on fantasies cause greater disappointments if they do not work out
Most often, we continue the relationship because we assume they are the perfect one for us and hope things get better
Even the match made in heaven has to come down to earth to work hard and make the relationship work
They face all the challenges that most relationships do
My biggest mistake was thinking that I would never find anyone like you
There are many people just like you
I have met some of the most amazing people
I am glad we broke up so I could open my life to meet such wonderful people
Sometimes I wonder why I did not meet them before you…
But I am grateful we happened
I experienced a new adventure with you
I am taking all the lessons with me
I did not lock up our memories
I set them free
Free to go wherever they want
I freed them so I can have more space in my life to create new and more memories
This was not the ending that I hoped for
But I am glad I have new chances to create more endings with more people
Our end opened new beginnings for me
I finally found peace with myself