Its been 10 years since I started using diaries and journals
Just 1 year since I started blogging
The main reason I wanted to keep a diary was to remember important dates and some memories that I might forget
I keep a journal to write my goals, inspirations and whatever it is I am going through
Initially it was very easy because I was in junior high school and had more time to write many things
Now, I am very busy with work, education, relationships and family so I hardly write anything for several days
Whenever I get the time, I write all the important things that had occurred
Sometimes I wonder who or how many people have read my diaries without my knowledge since I do not let anyone read them
How many people will read them after my death?
What significance will my diaries have after my death?
I have written almost everything that has happened to me in the last 10 years
Crushes, fights, education, friends, relationships, food, birthdays, deaths, births, etc
I started blogging mainly to rant my frustrations in life
A place where I can share my opinions to the world
Keeping a diary, journal or a blog is a big responsibility
You have to make time to write in them every day or at least once a week
I never write too detailed information in my diaries because I am scared someone might read them and know too much about me
So I write in codes that only I understand
I only write the important things that occurred and give some few clues that only I will remember
I recommend that everyone keep a dairy, journal or blog
Write important things in it
The dates you met some important people in your life or the memories some people gave you that you want to cherish
Sometimes you will not remember everything but your diary or journal can remind you of those details that you might forget
A blog is where you can share your opinions on things in life
Diaries are arranged by dates and they are more personal
You write your emotions and intimate things that happen according to the date they occur
They are facts that have already occurred
Journals are not arranged by dates
You can write whatever and whenever you feel like it
You can write your goals, emotions and everything you plan to do
Blogs can either be a diary or journal but are only available on the internet and are digital
They are online diaries or journals
You can write anything at all you want
You can choose to make your blog private or public
So choose whichever best suits you
Please take care of you diaries, journals and blogs
Keep or hide them at a place only you will remember
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