When I got older and a little wiser, I noticed that the only reason I have been able to achieve anything was because I had help from multiple people who I call my Okpornorvi. Okpornorvi is an Ewe expression which means someone who nurtures others; either family, friends or strangers. Ideally we should all be…
Category: Uncategorized
But If I Should React…
Dealing with people who know the right thing but deliberately refuse to do so is very frustrating, they put you in a very uncomfortable position to either rant, complain, or scold them. Afterwards they have the audacity to feel offended and make you the bad person when they created the entire mess. Maturity is lacking…
This afternoon a customer told me he was no longer interested in doing business with my startup company Defia Art Services. I was very sad but not shocked because I am used to being told NO since I started running my own business. He is one of the many people who decided not to purchase…
I am not good with giving advice because I do not have much experience myself. I believe people need to live to experience life. In the last few years a lot of opportunities have come my way. I was not expecting them. They are all pleasant surprises and I am grateful for them. I love…
Bullies are people we can never avoid in life and most people will have to endure them for the rest of their lives. They can be family members, friends, teachers, neighbours, classmates, coworkers, bosses, children or companies. I know a lot of people including myself who have gone through bullying. It is a painful experience…
For more than a decade, I had this fear that I was definitely going to die young and in the same manner like someone I knew who was very close to me. I was scared to die young and leave behind everyone I love. I tortured myself with this fear and it dictated how I…
I was at the beach when I saw some young men in their underwear having so much fun playing games. They did not care about what the rest of the world thought of them. It is very refreshing to see men or boys play and have fun without people around labeling them as gay or…
I have stopped trying to make the people I meet understand me. Things get worse when I try to explain myself and most often our friendship does not work afterwards. With time I have come to accept that I am different from most people. This has taught me to be able to endure loneliness and…
Thank you Sex & The Cincy for nominating for another Liebster Award. To accept the nomination I must: Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you, with link back to their blog. Answer the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 of your own questions to ask your nominees. Nominate 11 blogs of your…
Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award!
Recently Sex & The Cincy nominated me for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers award. Thank you so much for the nomination! Here are my answers to the questions Sex & The Cincy asked. Your favourite colour? Red Your favourite animal? Dogs Favourite non alcohol drink? Sangria Facebook or Twitter? Facebook Your favourite pattern? Kente Patterns…
I am broken in many places. I have been weakened by many attacks. Sometimes I want to concede defeat but I need to win. I am not fighting for myself alone. There are many people that depend on my victory. I need help. I ask for strength. This is a freedom battle. A…
You are so good at making people very angry. We question your existence and purpose. Mr. Know it all. You have the power to give and take life. How about you start saving the most relevant people. Oh I forgot, everyone is relevant to you. You already know that we have a lot to…