When I got older and a little wiser, I noticed that the only reason I have been able to achieve anything was because I had help from multiple people who I call my Okpornorvi. Okpornorvi is an Ewe expression which means someone who nurtures others; either family, friends or strangers. Ideally we should all be…
Category: LIFE
Living Living Living!
Every decision we make contributes to how we curate our lives. As an art dealer and gallerist, one of my primary responsibilities is curating art for art exhibitions, these artworks are treated with the most utmost care and attention to detail is a necessity. I realised that most people do not give the same level…
But If I Should React…
Dealing with people who know the right thing but deliberately refuse to do so is very frustrating, they put you in a very uncomfortable position to either rant, complain, or scold them. Afterwards they have the audacity to feel offended and make you the bad person when they created the entire mess. Maturity is lacking…
This year has been about having a balanced life, which can only happen when you have stability. This applies to most things, a stable object is balanced. You have to create a balanced life which takes time and a deliberate effort to achieve. This means having a self care regimen for yourself that gives you…
What a year it has been! This year has been one of the best I’ve experienced. It absolutely defined me! I began the year with so many expectations but after a few months I forgot about them because I felt they would not come true. The one thing I needed desperately was to find the…
The older I get, the more important I realise that a support system is needed in life. I would not be here without a support system and very good one too. With friends and family that have given me their time, advice, money, encouragements, influenced situations in my favour, opportunities and more importantly hugs. Nothing…
Appearance and knowing the appropriate cloths to wear for different events are very important and since I hate to dress up to go anyway, I prefer to stay home. I love casual cloths. They are so comfortable and simple to wear. I love clothes that I do not have to iron because I hate ironing….
Yesterday was the opening of 3 days art exhibition I organised to promote some young Ghanaian contemporary artists. This is the first time I have ever organised or curated an art exhibition. The preparations before the art exhibition felt like pregnancy and I am going through labour to birth the results. I have 2 days…
Older people are always acknowledged for being more experienced than young people in most things. This is not true. Just because someone is old does not mean that person has more experience than a younger person in some things. Sometimes, being older older does not mean you know or have experienced everything. I have been…
So today is my birthday and I am grateful for my life and everything I have. I know I am not supposed to wait till my birthday to be grateful for all the things I have, I should be grateful every day. I have decided to write a post on my birthday and on my…
Personal experience is very important and most often the best way to get to know someone without the influence of others. There are so much rumours going on and if you are not discerning you will believe them and judge people based on what others say. I have made some really good friends with people…
I should be happy because there a lot of people, drinks, food, laughter, smiling and fun but I feel lonely. I tried really hard to fit in and laugh with them but I still felt lonely. I stopped trying and went to sleep. They are not the kind of people I feel connected to. There…