Do people even know how I truly feel about the things they do to me, around me or for me? Has anyone ever stopped to sit and think about what he/she is doing might be affecting my life? Has anyone ever approached me and asked me about how I felt about their actions in the…
Author: Mawusi Wewobe
It is very disturbing and sad that some people think that men can beat women if they disrespect or do something terrible to them. There are women who also abuse men. Violence is never justified in any case, there is always peaceful solutions to problems. Beating up people because they did you wrong will not…
I have been to a few funerals but there is one thing I saw at every funeral I was at, pretentious people. It is sickening to see people who hated the deceased mourning as if their own relative or best friend was dead. I do not want such people at my funeral. So I have…
I have been writing about betrayals a lot these days because it is one of the most painful things anyone can ever go through. It changes your views on human beings and affect your life negatively. If you do not have the right people to talk to and help you through it, you will never…
Some people do not know the definition of friendship. Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people not a parasitic relationship. It not a title you get but a title you earn. Work for it. Sometimes it is not pleasant, there are painful and sweet moments. If you cannot love another…
I have come to realise that most of the people that are ignored or judged because they do not reach a certain standard in society or are odd make good companions. When you get close to them and get to know them, you realise that they are good people. Some of my closest friends are…
Listen! I hardly pour my heart out. I would rather keep my feelings to myself. But you need to listen to me. I love you. You think I do not love you because you complain all the time about how I hardly care about you. You want me to express my feelings all the time…
It is endearing to have someone fuss over me. He puts my needs above his. He calls frequently to check up on me and gets worried when he has not heard from me for than more a day. He looks into my eyes and pours his heart to me and entrusts his very soul into…
You killed me. They did not. When their lies were piling up, you kept quiet. They said and did all they could, while you watched. I looked at you. I stared into your eyes. You did not even blink. I was broken not because they tortured me but because you said and did nothing. I…
When I woke up this morning, I received a call from a friend. He sounded very worried and surprised when I spoke with him. He read on twitter that I was dead and he was calling to confirm. Unfortunately he had misread the message. A young man from Mizpah International School was dead. There are…
There are too many things in my life right now; family, friends, acquaintances, education, work, hobbies, food, etc. I am suffocating under all of them. Yet I keep hoarding more every day. I am clearing almost everything out of my life. Anything that is irrelevant is leaving. It is difficult to end relationships but…
One of the most important things I have learnt in life from experience is remaining calm in difficult situations. In the past, I used to freak out and worry a lot. Remaining calm helps me to rationlise the situation and find the appropriate solution. I can concentrate on the causes of the problems. When I…