They say you should never give up on people no matter what. But sometimes you have to let them make their own choices even if it is harming or will harm them. Experience is the best teacher and testimony. They will learn when they experience whatever bad things you wanted to prevent from happening to…
Author: Mawusi Wewobe
A few days ago I had a good experience with a little boy. He is probably an adolescent. He came to me and asked me for money in sign language then I realised he was deaf-mute and I gave him the coins in my pocket since I did not take my purse. A few seconds…
I harldy forgive people and give them a second chance back into my life. If you betray me, I will just end my relationship with you. There are some few people that I have given second chances because I thought they had changed but they even hurt me worse than they did before. So I…
I have two friends who are so in love and are excited to get married soon. Seeing them happy together reminds me that love is beautiful. It is very rare these days to see couples so in love and willing to sacrifice a lot for each other. Most couples I see these days are more…
Sometimes when I hear some people complain or tell me that they need new clothes, I just laugh and tell them that they actually need a new attitude. Their personalities have either faded, died or unpleasant. New clothes does not cover up a bad attitude. You can wear the most expensive clothes and still stink…
I will walk out of your life the moment you start comparing me to someone or try to make me jealous. When someone tries to make me jealous or compete for a position in his/her life, I end my relationship with him/her. If I tell you that I love you, it means I love you….
One of the most difficult decisions I have ever made in my life is to eat healthy and at the right time. I wish I can do that but my weakness for junk food is too strong. I have developed a bad habit that is eating at midnight. It has become one of my favourite…
Recently a very close person died and I realised I did not say goodbye to her. She was sick in the hospital but we all thought she would live. From henceforth I will spend a lot of time with people I love. If I am traveling or running errands, I will hug them and remind…
Thank you Sex & The Cincy for nominating for another Liebster Award. To accept the nomination I must: Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you, with link back to their blog. Answer the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 of your own questions to ask your nominees. Nominate 11 blogs of your…
Sometimes it is so endearing so see people genuinely apologise repeatedly for something they did wrong. They go all out to please you and hope you forgive them and accept them back into your life. You look at them and you know deep within you that these people have truly repented and never meant to…
Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award!
Recently Sex & The Cincy nominated me for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers award. Thank you so much for the nomination! Here are my answers to the questions Sex & The Cincy asked. Your favourite colour? Red Your favourite animal? Dogs Favourite non alcohol drink? Sangria Facebook or Twitter? Facebook Your favourite pattern? Kente Patterns…
A lot people who know me think I deal with breakups or loss very well. I am not as strong as I portray myself to be. When I go through any devastating situation, I get depressed, cry, sleep and eat. These are just my temporary relief from the pain until I finally move on or…